Our company is a partnership based on people, not capital, and our governance is rooted in the principles of cooperation. Cooperation is ingrained in us—it’s part of our DNA.

Our Board of Directors is made up of engaged farmers elected by their peers and based in the Limagne-Val d’Allier plain (central France)—the Limagrain Cooperative’s home region. The Group is jointly managed by a complementary tandem consisting of the Chairman, an elected farmer, and the CEO, an employee. Decisions are always ultimately taken by the Cooperative’s farmers.
Our governance is all about cooperation.

An agricultural cooperative is a company created and owned by farmers who pool their resources to enhance the value of their agricultural produce. The Cooperative members are its business partners, suppliers, and clients.
Cooperating means accomplishing together what we cannot do alone. This was what motivated the farmers who founded Limagrain in 1965. And it still drives all our parent company’s 1,300 farmer members—who are our shareholders.
As in every cooperative, the principle of one person, one vote applies within Limagrain’s governance. Unlike a company made up of capital, each member has the same voting power, regardless of how many shares they own. These shares—which cannot appreciate, be sold, or transferred—are an enduring collective asset for future generations.
At Limagrain, we’re a company of farmers working for farmers. That’s our governance model, and it has no equivalent among the world’s leading seed companies.

How are decisions taken within the Group?

Cooperation is part of our culture, and by pooling our resources, we amplify our strengths. What we want is long-term growth for both our Group and our own farming operations.