Legal Notices

Read our legal notices of

Web site is published by:

Groupe Limagrain Holding

Physical Address:

Biopôle Clermont-Limagne

Rue Henri Mondor

63360 Saint Beauzire


Postal Address:

CS 20001 Saint Beauzire

63360 Gerzat


Phone: +33 (0)4 73 63 40 00

Fax: +33 (0)4 73 63 40 44


Share capital: 125 619 602,75 euros

Publication manager: The legal representative

Intracom. VAT no.: FR 133 322 791 039

Website hosting:

Clever Cloud SAS, 4 rue Voltaire, 44 000 NANTES, France.

General support (commercial and other requests): +33 2 85 52 07 69

Photo credits:

Jean François Berrué, Pierre Bonnefoy, Vincent Bouchet, Vincent Duvivier / ASM Clermont Auvergne, Hickory, Istockphoto – Adam Gregor / LUke1138, Unsplash - Jen Theodore, Megan Thomas, Andrej Lišakov, Shane Rounce, Headway, Fabian Grohs, You X Ventures, Scott Graham, Daria Nepriakhina, Javier Trueba / Limagrain et ses filiales, Photothèque Limagrain Céréales Ingrédients : Mike English & Michael Powell, Pierre Soissons, Renaud Tinturier, Vilmorin et ses filiales.

Personal information:

Information collected on this website is electronically processed to enable us to meet your requirements in the best possible way, for example to enable us to contact you or deal with your request etc.

Personal information will only be disclosed to persons authorised to receive personal information as part of their job.

Under the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, you have the right to obtain a copy of and to correct your personal information. If you wish to exercise this right and be informed of the personal information we hold about you, please contact the webmaster using the contact form available on the website.

"you may also opt-out from the processing of your personal information, if you have a sufficient reason"

Intellectual property rights:

The website is the property of Groupe Limagrain.

Any full or partial reproduction of the material appearing on our website, in particular the trademarks, logos, text or photographs, is strictly prohibited. Any reproduction, distribution or use of this material, in particular for commercial purposes, may be prosecuted.

The creation or use of hypertext links to one or more pages of the website or to part of the material is prohibited without Limagrain's prior written consent.


The Limagrain website uses cookies. These files stored on your computer enable us to facilitate your access to the services that we offer. The website cookies do not contain any personally identifiable information about you and they are only used to improve the operation of this website. You can block these cookies through your browser settings.

Links to other websites:

Limagrain includes links to third party websites on the Limagrain website. These links were included with the agreement of the relevant websites at a time when Limagrain considered that it was useful to have links to the content and services on these websites.

Limagrain may not be held liable for the content of these websites or the way in which users may use it.

Unavailability of the website:

Limagrain undertakes to use its best efforts to ensure that users can access the website at all times.

Limagrain may not be held liable for any website unavailability, regardless of the cause of the unavailability.

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