Ambition 2030: a bold strategic roadmap.

How it all started

Visuel Limagrain

Limagrain began as a bold wager made by farmers who came together as a cooperative to ensure the long-term sustainability of their farms in the heart of the Limagne plain in Auvergne, central France. Over the years, the dedication of generations of farmers and employees have made us into a solid cooperative group that has successfully expanded its sales to 150 countries.

Today, we have close to 9,500 employees and 1,300 farmer members, and our revenues top €2.5 billion.

We’ve come a long way since 1965!

    Ambition 2030 will make Limagrain:

    Visuel Limagrain
    • More robust, through profitable growth that allows us to reinvest in our business lines.
    • More exciting for the employees and farmer members who are vital to our success.
    • More international as we diversify our activities and consolidate our geographic expansion.
    • More agile thanks to innovation at every level.
    • More sustainable by providing our customers and growers with innovative solutions that address accelerating climate change.

    We are confident in our ability to succeed because we have so many strengths. Our cooperative model provides stability and a long-term vision. It also leverages the collective skillset which underpins our operations—assuming we each actively contribute our best effort.

    Sébastien VIDAL and Sébastien CHAUFFAUTChairman and CEO of Limagrain

    Ambition 2030: four pillars resting on a solid base

    • Investing for profitable growth to become the preferred global standard in plants for employees, farmers, and customers

    • Members
      MembersBy strengthening the contributions of each of the Group’s business lines, we are working to make our home region more competitive.
    • Limagrain

      I used the detailed information I got from Agrility to schedule my harvests field by field. As a result, I was able to store the driest corn at the bottom of the silo and wettest at the top.

      Bruno, Belgian farmer

    • Employees
      EmployeesWe strive to make each employee an enthusiastic Limagrain ambassador.
    • Customers
      CustomersWe are strengthening our customer-centric culture and developing products and services that set us apart.
    • Sustainability
      SustainabilityWe provide innovative solutions to spur agriculture’s adaptation to climate change, boost our profitability, and safeguard our producers’ future.